Jen Capital and Jen Development are part of the Chiaphua group of companies.
The Chiaphua Group, founded more than 90 years ago by Mr. Cheng Chik Chi and his three younger brother is, today, one of the largest privately held group of companies in Hong Kong with considerable international stature.
The Chiaphua Group is a recognized pioneer in a number of base metal production businesses in Hong Kong and Asia such as aluminum, brass and steel.
Meyer Corporation and Chiaphua Limited, affiliates of the Group, are world-class manufacturer in the fields of premium cookware products, electrical and household appliances, healthcare products, telecommunications equipment, electric motors, and cordless power tools.
Over the years, the group has successfully developed more than 200 projects including high-rise residential units, urban renewal projects, Grade A office buildings, industrial buildings, starter homes, luxury homes and service apartments.
Since 1991 the group has been established as one of the earliest and most successful international property developers to invest in Vietnam, and has since been actively involved in development, property management and property investment.